Writing HOPE Works
Writing Hope (Sieben, 2013) is a skills-based and motivational strength that can build writing competencies in individual writers and groups of writers. Put simply, writing hope is the will and the ways to accomplish purposeful writing goals. Through research-based, instructional interventions, writing hope can be taught to students and teachers. This Writing Hope Works project is designed to build writing hope in school communities across the United States so that students and teachers feel agentic about their authentic purposes for writing. The intention of this project is to build a connected community of writers that will build a collective hope in our country that extends far beyond the confines of this project. Through writing, hope can be created, established, and enhanced. Join us in this mission of building writing hope by liking our page on Facebook, following our Twitter handle @WritingHopeWork, and collaborating with us on projects. We look forward to working together in this hope-building mission.
Dr. Nicole Sieben
Nicole Sieben is Assistant Professor of Secondary English Education at the State University of New York College at Old Westbury and is a former public high school English language arts teacher in New York. Nicole is author of the 2018 book, Writing Hope Strategies for Writing Success in Secondary Schools: A Strengths-Based Approach to Teaching Writing, which details her theory of writing hope (Sieben, 2013) and the subsequent Writing Hope Framework (Sieben, 2016). The book provides strategies for teaching writing through writing hope pathways strategies and writing hope agency techniques that build students' writing competencies across educational levels.
In 2013, she completed her doctorate in English Education at Hofstra University in the Learning and Teaching program. During her doctoral studies, Nicole researched factors that influence students’ development as writers, and it is through this work that she developed a pedagogy of “writing hope” to build students’ pathways and agency for writing. She is very excited to be collaborating with students, teachers, and teacher educators across the US to build a community of writing hope for all. Nicole’s research focuses on intersections of composition studies, positive psychology, social justice, human development, and teacher education.

Our Offerings
-Professional Collaborations
-Professional Development Workshops
-Writing Hope Scale Administration and Analysis
Our Mission
To build a connected community of writers and teachers of writing that will build a collective hope in our country that extends far beyond the confines of this project.